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Saturday, August 13, 2011

superfoods for bodybuilding.

Here's a pretty good list of "superfoods" for bodybuilding.

Eating For Muscle Gain

The list...

  1. Eggs

  2. Almonds

  3. Salmon

  4. Yogurt

  5. Beef

  6. Olive Oil

  7. Water

  8. Coffee
Hey, where's chicken and tuna? It's pretty rare that those two don't make these types of lists.

The problem I have with these types of lists is that some people tend to take them to mean that if they just eat these foods, they can expect good sized gains. I'll get emails from people confused as to why they aren't growing even though they eat an egg every morning and a tuna sandwich for lunch.

Always remember, it isn't just the quality of foods you put into your body, it is also the QUANTITY. To support muscle growth, you have to create a caloric surplus -- you have to give the body the raw materials it needs to build muscle above and beyond what it needs to keep you functioning.

The golden rule of muscle building...
If you aren't gaining, you aren't eating enough to gain.
What and how much to eat to build muscle and gain weight?

It is when you eat a quality balanced diet (that includes solid choices like the muscle building superfoods above) and eat that diet in sufficient quantity to supply the body with surplus calories that you really have something.

When you consistently do that and add in a solid weight training program, you build muscle and grow like a weed.

JP Clifford
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Science of Steroids

The National Geographic Channel is running a good program titled the "Science Of Steroids." Its an interesting hour for everyone, whether or not you use steroids or have any thoughts about using them.

Science of Steroids

Some things I found particularly interesting from the show:
  • One of the "experts" talked about how using steroids was one of the last things anyone would admit to - they'll admit to spousal abuse, cocaine use and everything else but not steroids. He compared it to pedophilia in terms of the lengths people will got to in order to hide it.

    Strange but true.

  • The program did a good job of addressing the lack of studies on steroids.

    A lot of users are very convinced that there aren't any dangers in using steroids. At my site, I have limited coverage of anabolic steroids. While I'm not pro-steroids (and I don't, never have, and never will use), I'm not hysterically anti-steroids like a lot of the mainstream coverage tends to be (the "you're going to die horribly and immediately" type of coverage). I try to present a fair look at the potential side effects of steroids.

    It's pretty benign stuff.

    But, every few months or so, I get an email from some guy telling me that I'm wrong, that there are no studies that say that steroid use will lead to cardiovascular problems or whatever. They basically tell me that steroid use is akin to chewing gum, that there are no real risks.

    They are right, there are very few studies on side effects. The reasons as explained in the show are the fact that you really can't load humans up on 'roids and wait 20 years to see what happens. Couple that with the fact that users won't admit that they use and you get very limited data to draw from.

    BUT, if you look at the case studies, if you look at the early deaths and medical problems for so many pro wrestlers and bodybuilders, you pretty much have to be blind to not see that these are very dangerous drugs and can have some consequences.

    Those that walk around miffed that anyone would suggest that there are any dangers to steroid use do have their reasons to distrust the medical community's warnings. The medical community has totally botched the whole steroids issue from day one and continues to do so.

    As pointed out in the show, you'll still find medical authorities stating that anabolic steroid use has no effect on muscle building or enhancing athletic performance????

    That's probably even more absurd than denying there are risks associated with use. You shouldn't need definitive studies to be able to make an obvious observation.

  • The fastest growing group of steroid users? Its not athletes, its regular people just looking to use them to improve their appearance.

    Personally, I understand the temptation to use for competitive athletes. Had I been real close to breaking into the major leaugues, I would have felt the temptation (Unfortunately, I was never close). I don't understand why someone would use just to improve their physique?

    I just don't get it. I think a good percentage of those who do choose to use for these reasons really aren't appropriately educated on the subject. And that makes steroids even more dangerous.

JP Clifford
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Bodybuilding tips and tricks

  • you have to do the exercise slowly,whenever you want (mass and cuts). you must hav to exercise slowly and if you didn't see the results and you  remains flabby after 2 months of doing it, try doing it even slower. How much you slow as it much effective for you.The much slower,the much better but  you concentrate at the peak.
  • let Suppose you are doing biceps exercise with a bar. When you bring the bar(your forearms completely, touch your upper arms (biceps)) to your chest, Make sure you concentrate there and really focus on contracting the muscle (just like when you do posing). Apply The same rule for any  muscle. If you want  a muscle to develop properly with both mass and cuts (unless you already have cuts), you have to do it real slow and focus on concentration.

  1. Buy the book Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding .....its really help you.
  2. Before another tip about muscle mass, Just know what’s your height? If you are betweem or below 5 feet 8 inches, then you should have 15 inch arms at least, so concentrate on both mass and cuts. That’s the difficult thing but that makes it all more beautiful.
  3. .Try to do more push ups and do a cardio such  run a few kilometers ( a minimum of 1 to 1.5 km as a warm up prefferably) everyday.
  4.  you hav do 5 sets of flat press, 3 sets of incline, 3 sets decline, and 3 sets of dumbbell flys.
  5. Another Tip: Keep posing. Keep flexing your chest and holding your breath for 20 seconds while you flex in front of the mirror. This helps to bring out maximum definition. This is a trick.;)
  6. Another tips on bodybuilding diet, it is also very important factor so you need to have protein‑rich diet and cut down on carbohydrates and feel or see the change. (A low-carb diet will always help).
  7.  Don’t increase your carbohydrate intake as found in rice, Bread....etc. Keep your carbohydrates low. Keep your protein intake high, like chicken, egg, fish, etc. You will see the change soon almost within a month. tak high amount of water.
  8. The main sources for you are both pulses and legumes including beans of all varieties,If you are a veggie,   preferably soya, butter beans, or double beans.
  9. If you are going to burn fat with bodybuilding and weights, you can use the ordinary flat bench press to burn fat have to do this with low weights but remember do it really slow. The first few reps up to 8 or 10 will be easy and after that your chest muscles will begin to burn like they are on fire.
  10.  Do 5 sets of this everyday after your pushups and also do jog.
  11. Do all exercises the same day. Doing them on alternate days will only increase size by giving rest to your chest mass. If you want to burn fat around chest, then you have to exhaust your muscle. Do and Gud luck..!
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Extreme Bodybuilding Equipments:

It is important yo choose right equipment for ya xtreme workouts.You have that products on which you can trust and rely on. Always look for sturdy and durable equipment.  discuss at your gym.Divide some of these bodybuilding equipment into the following,
  • Free Weights – Dumb bells and bar bells
  • Weight Machines – Smith Machines, Curling machines, multi weight machines
  • Stretching Machines
  • Exercise and Stretching Equipments – stretch bands, chin up bars
  • Mats – Martial arts mats, Yoga mats
  • Extreme Fitness Equipment – Urban rebounder, rowing machines
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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best and safe Exercise for Heart Patients

If you know someone who's recently been diagnosed with heart disease or had heart surgery, the doctor probably told him that exercise is an important part of keeping the condition under control. 

Here are some things to discuss with the doctor:

  • Medication changes. New medications can greatly affect your response to exercise; your loved one's doctor can tell you if his normal exercise routine is still safe.
  • Heavy lifting. Make sure that lifting or pushing heavy objects and chores such as raking, shoveling, mowing, or scrubbing aren't off limits. Chores around the house can be tiring for some people; make sure your loved one only does what he's able to do without getting tired.
  • Safe exercises. Get the doctor's approval before you let the patient lift weights, use a weight machine, jog, or swim.

Swimming is an aerobic exercise for heart patients. It’s very useful, and it can produce excellent results in a short period of time, particularly if you are not accustomed to body to building. Swimming should be done approximately 30 to 60 minutes daily for avoiding heart diseases.

Walking is one of the simplest and most available aerobic exercises. Heart patient can vary the intensity to match his fitness level. Other than walking shoes, it does not require any special equipment.  Walking is a good choice for starting their first exercise program. The older age heart patients can adopt this exercising routine as it is the best choice for them.

Cycling is another best exercise for avoiding heart diseases. Cycling is unique type of aerobic exercise with wide appeal and value. In this exercise you can use a stationary or regular bike. A program that combines walking and cycling may provide cardiovascular benefits without inducing the limiting pain as quickly. Cycling helps the heart without the mechanical stress on the back, hips, knees and ankles that walking can cause. Therefore, those with heart conditions should address a program with their physician before starting. Water aerobics and water walking are good alternatives for those with heart diseases. This exercise also gives attractive results in joint pain problems.

Stretching is another beast exercise for heart diseases. Stretching the arms and legs before and after exercising helps prepare the muscles for activity and helps prevent injury and muscle strain. Regular stretching also increases your range of motion and flexibility for aerobic exercises.

General workout tips for heart disease patients:
  • Be sure any exercise is paced and balanced with rest.
  • Avoid encouraging isometric exercises such as push-ups and sit-ups. Isometric exercises involve straining muscles against other muscles or an immovable object.
  • Don't let the patient exercise outdoors when it is too cold, hot, or humid. High humidity may cause you to tire more quickly; extreme temperatures can interfere with circulation, make breathing difficult, and cause chest pain. Better choices are indoor activities such as mall walking.
  • Make sure that one stays hydrated. It is important to drink water even before you feel thirsty, especially on hot days.
  • Extremely hot and cold showers or sauna baths should be avoided after exercise. These extreme temperatures increase the workload on your heart.
  • Have your loved one steer clear of exercise in hilly areas. If he must walk in steep areas, ask him to slow down when going uphill to avoid working too hard. Have him monitor his heart rate closely.
  • If the patient's exercise program has been interrupted for a few days (for example, due to illness, vacation, or bad weather), ease him back into his routine. He should start with a reduced level of activity and gradually increase it until he's back where he started.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 5 Bodybuilding Workout Tips for arms

1. Incorporate multi-jointed exercises into your bodybuilding routine.

When training your chest, shoulders, and back make sure you utilize multi-joint exercises. What this does is work,as the secondary movers, the arms. The arms mean simply the biceps, and triceps.

A good example of multi-jointed exercises are the bench press, shoulder press, row, pull down, and good old fashion pushup. More than one muscle group is being worked when you perform multi-joint exercises.

2. Increase your intensity.

In order to stimulate arm muscle growth resulting from your bodybuilding workout program you must increase your intensity of exercise.

Read more articles
Bodybuilding Workout Tips For Beginners
Achieve Your Best Body Ever – The Ultimate Guide to Bodybuilding Workouts
Bodybuilding Workouts
What Beginners Should Be Learning About Bodybuilding Workouts

You must enter the gym with a mindset of forcing the muscles to adapt, and grow. To do so you need to increase the weight lifting weight, reps, or simply decrease the rest between bodybuilding sets. Always make your bodybuilding workout progressive in nature. Keep attempting to beat the reps, and weight you logged in the previous arm workout.

3. Do not overtrain. Limit your sets

It is important to avoid overtraining your arms. Many bodybuilders do too much arm work in their particular bodybuilding workout. This, in turn, leads to over training.

By doing too many sets of arms you are cutting into your recovery abilities, and will surely decrease your chance of results. Optimal rest is mandatory for maximum muscle stimulation. Please understand this.

4. Hit the triceps hard.

The triceps comprise a majority of your arms muscle size. Make sure you incorporate close grip bench presses, dips, and triceps push downs to ultimately increase your triceps muscle size, and tone.

Strive to increase your intensity every time your step into the gym. After all, it is the quality of exercise, not the quantity. Make the most of your limited weight training sets performed by the arms.

5. Precise rest between workouts is mandatory for growth.

This number one mistake most bodybuilders make. They simply follow the more is better approach. Little do they know, more is a detriment to your bodybuilding workout results.

Each additional arm set performed cuts into the recovery ability of the muscle. Remember, the biceps, and triceps grow while at rest, not during the workout.

I always recommend 6-10+ days between arm workouts. As far as the number of sets, 2 sets of 2-3 exercises for the arms is optimal for growth. In other words, if you spend more than 10 minutes on your arms, you are overtraining. Beginning a weight training workout prior to full recovery will short circuit your muscle building results.
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Triple Your Workout Effectiveness

Disclaimer: First, I’m not a certified trainer. These are tips I’ve read elsewhere that work well for me. Second, you should always get a doctor’s approval of any new workout plan. This plan is especially intense, so if you have a heart condition or other condition that might be affected by heavy exercise, you should definitely refrain from trying it until you’ve gotten checked out by a doctor.
it’s  for those people who have already been working out but want to see better results, quicker, and spend less time doing it.
There are 16 exercises:
1.Limit your workouts to 30-40 minutes. Though the tendency of some people who really want to get a lot out of their workouts is to spend a lot of time at the gym, the truth is that after 30 or 40 minutes, the benefit isn’t as great. To go that long, you’d have to lower the intensity of the workout, and that means that you’re spending too much time working out. It’s better to work out at a higher intensity for a shorter amount of time.
2.High-intensity workouts. If you’re just starting out with exercise, it’s best to take it slow. If you’re running or cycling, for example, build up your endurance for at least a month before you get into anything more intense. That means going at a rate where you can easily talk without being out of breath. However, once you have that base of endurance, step up the intensity to step up the effectiveness of the workout.
3.Protein. Many people don’t pay enough attention to getting the protein their muscles need to rebuild. If you don’t, you are going to get very little out of your workout, as both cardio and strength workouts require protein for building muscles. I recommend either whey or soy protein shakes.
4.Water. Be sure to hydrate throughout the day. It takes a couple of hours for your body to absorb the water, so you can’t just drink right before exercise. Make it a habit to drink water regularly throughout the day.
5.Carbs. Although the low-carb craze might say otherwise, carbs are our body’s main source of fuel. If you do intense workouts, you will need carbs, or you won’t have enough energy. If you do a shake, be sure to include carbs — or a banana is a great source of low fiber/high glycemic carbohydrates that you need for exercise.
6.Shake before and after workout. It’s best to take a protein/carb shake just before your workout and then just after. Taking it before your workout increases the flow of amino acids to your muscles during training, giving them the building blocks they need. After the workout, the shake stimulates muscle growth. Also take a small protein/carb meal 60-90 minutes after a workout — a meal replacement bar would work fine.
7.Slow lifting. Many people contract their muscles slowly and then release more quickly. But if you lift slowly in both directions, you are maximizing each move. Lift and lower to a 5-second count in each direction.
8.Heavier weight. When you’re starting out, it’s best to start with lower weights so you can focus on good form. But once you’ve gotten your form down, it’s best to lift the heaviest weights you can lift while still keeping good form. Don’t sacrifice form for heavy weights — that is ineffective. But heavy weights, with good form, can give you better results in a shorter amount of time. Heavy weights are not just for those who want to bulk up — that’s a common misconception.
9.One set, to failure. Instead of doing 2-3 sets, as many people do, maximize your effectiveness by doing just one, with heavy weights, until you can no longer keep the proper form. Lifting to “failure” doesn’t mean that you should lift the last few times with a wobbly or inefficient form.
10.Compound exercises. Instead of isolating your muscles with exercises such as the bicep curl, you can maximize the time you spend in a workout by doing exercises that work out multiple muscle groups at once. With just a few exercises, you could get a full-body workout. Another benefit is that your muscles are working together as they do in the real world, rather than alone. Some great compound exercises include squats, deadlifts, good mornings, lunges, pushups, bench presses, military presses, rows, pullups, dips, and more.
11.Balance lifting. Instead of having exercises where you’re sitting down or holding on to something or otherwise stabilized, it’s more effective to do them standing up, or on one leg, or on a Swiss exercise ball. These types of exercises force you to balance yourself while lifting, which brings your core muscles into play. This gives you a stronger overall body and allows you to lift more over time.
12.Pick a cardio exercise you enjoy. It’s no fun to exercise if you hate it. And you won’t keep it up for very long. Pick something that’s fun — running, walking, swimming, biking, hiking, rowing, stairmaster, etc. After the initial phase when you’re getting used to exercise, you’ll start to have a blast and look forward to it.
13.Mix it up. Don’t stick to the same workout routine for too long, or your body will adjust to the stress level and you won’t be getting an effective workout. For strength training, change your routine every few weeks. For cardio, it’s best to cross train rather than, say, to run every time.
14.Good form. For strength training especially, and swimming, form is very important, but it’s also important for other types of exercise. If you’re strength training, start with lighter weights so you can work on your form. It’s good to have an experienced spotter or trainer who knows good form to help you for the first month or so. Never sacrifice form for heavier weight. For swimming, you’ll need to get a coach to teach you form.
15.Hills. If you run or bike or walk for cardio, you’ll want to incorporate hills (after the first month or two of doing it at an easy pace on flat ground). These will make you stronger and make your limited workout time even more effective. Take them easy at first, but once you’re used to hills, you can get a good pace going. Either use a hilly route or do repeats on one hill.
16.Circuits. One mistake that people make is to do multiple sets of the same exercise without rest between the sets. This doesn’t allow your muscles to recover and it’s a waste of your workout. But instead of doing a set, resting, and then doing your second set, it’s more effective to move on to multiple exercises in a circuit, so that you don’t rest between exercises but do rest each muscle group. This will give you a good cardio workout while you do your strength training.

The ideal workout plan
If you take all of these tips into account, the ideal plan would be to alternate 2-3 days of high-intensity strength training with 2-3 days of high-intensity cardio. You could get by with 4 days of exercise if you do them at high intensity.

The high-intensity strength training would be 30-40 minutes of circuit training, with no rest or little rest between exercises within a circuit, and a short rest between circuits if you do more than one. The circuit should work out your entire body, using compound exercises such as the squat, deadlift, pullups, good mornings, etc., and either standing or using a Swiss ball so that you are working out your core. You should use heavier weights, one set for each exercise, doing them slowly (5 second up, 5 seconds down), and to exhaustion, making sure to have good form on each exercise.
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