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Friday, October 8, 2010

How to lose man boobs? 4 best exercises that will get rid of Man boobs for ever

How to lose man boobs? What causes Man boobs? Three best exercises that will get rid of Man boobs for ever. I guarantee
Man boobs is the common name for the medical term gynecomastia, characterized by loose enlarged chest in men which look similar to women breasts. Man boobs are a common disorder in men and has been in the talk in the recent years. Actually, it is reported that roughly between 40% and 60% of men have gynecomastia(Man boobs). Some cases may be mild whereas some cases may be severe where the chest may almost look like a women's breast.

What causes Man boobs?
There are 2 main causes for Man boobs. The predominant one is hormonal imbalance in males, especially after puberty. The increased production of the female hormone estrogen over the male hormone Testosterone causes Man boobs. The second cause is intake of drugs such as heroin, marijuana and Amphetamines etc. Excess fat intake through food may further contribute towards Man boobs

How to get rid of Man boobs?
There are 2 ways to get rid of Man boobs- Artificial and Natural. The advanced and fastest way is artificial reduction through Surgery. But surgery can be very expensive and may cost between $5,000 and $10,000. The second way is by natural means through diet and exercises- Aerobic and strength exercises. A proper exercise regimen coupled with a fat-free protein rich diet can get rid of man boobs effectively. Green tea, turmeric and chromium picolinate are food products that can reduce man boobs
To get rid of man boobs, one can do either Aerobic exercises or strength exercises, or a combination of both which would be most effective. Running a couple of times per week for 30 minutes can decrease fat in our body, and increase metabolism to a great extent. Follow a diet that has ratio of 60% carbohydrates, 35% protein and less than 15% fat. Diet should contain 2/3 vegetables and 1/3 lean protein such as chicken or fish

Three best exercises to get rid of Man boobs
(Note: The exercises may look tough but these are basic strength training workouts done in the gym. You should do these with lighter weights, instead of heavier weights. These will not only get you into shape, but will also improve your hormonal balance and increase your confidence
People who are already into strength training may be doing all kinds of workout, but they may not be knowing which ones target the specific area)

1) Incline Bench Press:
This exercise works out the upper chest rather than the lower chest and gives shape to the chest. Flat bench press will increase the mass of your chest and make it bulkier. So gynecomastic men should avoid Flat bench press and concentrate on Incline Bench press
Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each

2) Decline Dumbbell Flies:
This will tighten your lower chest and give a firmer shape. Further, it will widen your chest and give your chest a flatter appearance
Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each

3) Dumbbell Pullover:
This will lift your loose lower chest muscles to your upper chest and give a firmer chiselled appearance to your chest
Do 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions each

Incline Bench press


Dumbbell Pullover

Exercise 4:
I hope you may have heard about the "PECK DECK", one of the most basic gymnasium workouts targetted to work on your chest muscles, especially the peck muscles.
The Exercise:
Instead of performing the normal peck deck exercise where you use both your arms to push the handles together to tone your chest muscles, you need to use only one arm to perform the magical man boobs reduction workout. However, instead of the normal peck deck wherein you stop your arms half way when both your arms meet, you need to push your arms to the extreme end as possible. This will apply maximum pressure on your chest and would shrink the additional fat tissue under your chest
(see picture below)
First, start with any one of your arms and do 20-25 repetitions with a lower weight. You need to perform 4 sets of 20-25 reps three times a week. You will start seeing results on the very first day. Remember this, you need to do maximum number of repetitions with as much less weight as possible. Working out with heavy weights is not advisable

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Five Exercises for Men To Improve Your Sexual Life


Men throw away those ED (Erectile Dysfunction)pills. Save your hard earned money and improve your sexual performance the natural way by exercising. Women if you are reading this pass this along to your man to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction. I came across these exercises while reading a health article related to ways men can better fulfill their sexual pleasures without the pills.
We all know a regular workout at the local gym or your home is beneficial for your overall health. It has been found that consistent, regular workouts over time will also improve your performance below the belt. You do not have to do heavy-duty weight-lifting exercises or any other very intense form of exercising to reap these benefits. These benefits can be obtain by simply walking at a brisk pace for about a mile or walking for about 20 to 30 minutes. Men, there are 5 simple exercises you can perform daily to be on your way to having a more pleasurable sexual experience. Let’s begin.

Exercise #1: Weight Lifting

As I mentioned earlier, you do not have to do heavy-duty weight lifting. You do not have to go to the gym and bench press 200 pounds or more. Just do enough repetitions until you are tired. Strength training causes an increase of testosterone production in your body. The higher your testosterone levels the higher your libido. You do not necessarily need a set of weights to do strength-training exercises. Exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches will do just fine. These exercises strengthen the upper body muscle groups such as the shoulders, chest, and the all-important abs. Strong upper body strength can increase stamina since these muscles are used during intercourse.

Exercise # 2: Kegels

Kegels! I know some of the guys reading this are probably saying what kind of a name is that for an exercise? This is a very important and simple exercise. It may improve the quality of your life during your golden years if you start performing it now. This exercise was named after Dr. Arnold Kegel, a physician in Los Angeles. This exercise strengthens a small muscle group located at the bottom of the pelvic floor called the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. It role is to stop the flow of urine mid-stream. Men to do Kegels, stop the flow of urine and hold it for about ten seconds. Click the following link to read more: The-Kegel. Do this action several times before tiring while urinating. This will strengthen the muscle and will allow you to delay ejaculation just before climax during intercourse.

Exercise #3: Yoga

Yoga is good for everything and improving sexual performance. When you practice yoga, you improve your body’s flexibility. That is, you are able to get in creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse. Obviously, this will bring a significant improvement in your sexual performance. Most of the yoga positions recommended will strengthened you pelvic muscles, such as the Bow Pose, Peacock Pose, and the Shoulder Stand.
Peacock Pose
Peacock Pose
Bow Pose
Bow Pose
Shoulder Stand
Shoulder Stand 

Exercise #4: Fast Walking

This is the easiest and most natural exercise you can do to improve your sex life. Results from a recent study of 31,000 men performed by a Harvard researcher, indicated that aerobic exercising that burns about 200 calories reduces the risk of suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED) by 30 percent, almost half. This is equivalent to walking briskly for 2 miles. The researchers believe brisk walking or any form of aerobic exercising reduces the risk of ED because the higher blood flow helps keep the blood vessels clear. The results are longer and stronger erections. The other benefit of aerobic exercising is the release of chemical called endorphins throughout the body, which relaxes you to boost your sexual performance.
Fast walking
Fast walking

Exercise #5: Swimming

This last exercise is a good one. This exercise has the same benefits as exercise #1 and exercise #4. It is both a strengthening exercise and aerobic exercise rolled in one. Swimming is also a great fat-burning exercise. You will burn a lot of calories here. Researchers have found that if an obese man loses 10 percent of his excess weight it will decrease his risk of erectile dysfunction and improve his sexual performance.


Try doing some or all of the exercises mentioned to improve your sexual technique, endurance and flexibility.  As an added benefit, you will become fitter and healthier along the way.
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4 Best exercises to reduce your thighs in Weeks

How to reduce thighs?4 Best exercises to reduce your thighs in Weeks.......

How to reduce thighs? 4 Simple, Best exercises to reduce your thighs in Weeks, right at the comfort of your Home. Get sexy, chiselled Thighs in 6-8 weeks naturally!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reducing thighs is one of the main concerns for people who are fat, especially those who have excessive fat deposits around their mid-section and lower body. Since thighs form the major part of the lower body, it is very important to keep your thighs free of excessive fat. Excessive fat in your thighs is an indication of obesity and and is also an unhealthy factor. Most people try various exercises to reduce their thighs but end up in vain. This is because they often follow wrong or ineffective workout practices, which not only prove useless but also lead to cramps and muscle injuries. Lower body maintenance is very important for everyone since it bears the weight of the body and also plays a major role in balanced metabolism in our body. While exercising to reduce thigh fat, one should also ensure to workout the buttock muscles since fat deposits in your butt may prevent you from effectively burning the fat in your thighs. Hence, it's essential to forumlate an exercise regimen that will workout both your buttock and thigh muscles
The exercises described below in this hub are simple, but powerful workouts which can reduce your thighs in a short span of time. You need not go to the gymnasium or require special equipments to these exercises, these can be done right at the comfort of your home just watching your television or listening to your favorite music

Following are 4 best exercises to reduce your thighs in Weeks, right at the comfort of your home:
1. Standing Free Squat:
This is a simple, but a very effective exercise to get rid of Thigh fat. This can be done at your home without any weights or special equipments.
Start in a standing position, with your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep your back straight, and start slowly bending at the knees, pressing back with your butt. As you do this, you will naturally start to lean forward, but don't lean excessively. Go down as far as you can but ensure that you don't lift your heels. Then slowly raise to the initial standing position. Repeat the same
Workout schedule: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions each

2. Lunges: A very effective exercise to get your thighs into great shape. Lunges target the gluteus medius and, to a lesser extent, the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings. There are so many versions of lunges, you're certain to find one you can tolerate, if not fall in love with. This drop-knee version is the most basic lunge and, surprisingly, one of the harder versions. Here's how to do it:
1. Stand in a split stance, with feet about 3 feet apart. You want both knees to be at about 90-degree angles at the bottom of the movement, so adjust accordingly.
2. Hold weights in each hand or place a barbell behind the neck for added intensity(optional)
3. Bend the knees and lower the back knee toward the floor, keeping the front heel down and the knee directly over the center of the foot.
4. Keep the torso straight and abs in as you push through the front heel and back to starting position.
5. Don't lock the knees at the top of the movement
Workout schedule: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions each

3. Lying Butt Bridge: This is perhaps the most powerful and effective exercise to get rid of Thighs and buttocks fat. It is difficult to perform but results are amazing
Lie flat on your back on a mat with your knees bent pointing up to the ceiling and your arms at your sides. Simply raise your pelvis up toward the ceiling to a point where your body will be at a about a 45 degree angle relative to the floor. At the top of the movement, be sure to really flex your butt for a one-count. Return to the start position and repeat
Workout schedule: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions each

4. Back Kick: A simple but very powerful exercise to shape your thighs and buttocks. It also increases your lower body strengh and boosts stamina to your legs
1. Looking straight ahead, stand and balance on one leg, and kick the other leg out slightly behind you.
2. Maintain a very slight bend in the knee throughout this exercise.
3. Now start to bend forward while simultaneously pushing the butt and hips back and keeping a flat (not rounded) back.
4. While bending over and pushing the hips back, kick your other leg out behind you and reach down with your hands towards the toe of your foot that's planted on the ground and try to touch it. You should feel a stretch in the hamstrings as you get to the deepest part where your back is parallel to the floor.
5. Then, focus on squeezing the butt muscle hard while you reverse the movement and bring yourself back to upright (all the while maintaining that flat back)
Workout schedule: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions for each leg
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An exercise routine that will leave you UP IN ARMS!!!!
Workouts that will give you awesome BICEPS AND TRICEPS
What gives a better feeling than a great pair of arms? Nothing else isn't!!!. Nothing is as impressive to the average person or the hardest of hardcore body builders as well-developed arms. "Flex your arm" is almost always the first request people make when they meet a bodybuilder. A great arm symbolises strength, power, health and masculinity- all over the world!! Arms are the true barometer of manliness and women love'em
We're gonna see the best and effective workouts that will give you the best pair of chiselled arms.

Arm development is largely, if not entirely, dependent on genetics. However most people have the genetic capability of amassing quality arm development, and with proper training you can transform your arms into the very best they can possible be
Now quality arms doesn't mean building the biggest guns in the sport. Quality arms are seldom the biggest but they always look the most impressive. A well-developed arm is one that has good shape, is in proportion with rest of the upper body, has reasonable size, and most importantly, is in great condition- muscularly defined with good separation between biceps and triceps. Quality creates the illusion of size as well. If you learn only one information from this arms manifesto, let it be this- Arm size is completely irrelevant; it's the quality that counts
Countless novice, amateur and even pro bodybuilders place too much emphasis on the size of their arms. "If i could only get a 20-inch arm1" - This is what most guys cry. Believe me, a well-built 17 or 18-inch arm will make short work on a big, undefined, bloated 22-inch arm everytime. The smaller, better-developed arm will actually look bigger in comparison
The popular approach to arm-training is to work the biceps and triceps on different days- and then only after another bodypart. A typical bodybuilder may train triceps after chest or back. On another day, he may work biceps after shoulders or legs. But very few body builders train the two upper-arm muscle groups(biceps and triceps) first, let alone together.

1 set of 15 to 20 repetitions( warmup set)
5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
This exercise develops and shapes the biceps, particularly the biceps peak. Attach a bar to a floor-level cable pulley. Grasp a short straight bar with an underhand(palms up) grip, hands about shoulders width apart. Keeping your elbows stationary at your sides, extend your arms out and down until your biceps are fully stretched. Curl the bar upward, not letting your elbows, to a position just below your chin. Contract and squeeze the biceps as hard as possible at the top of the movement. Then lower the bar slowly back down to the starting position until your arms are fully stretched. This is a shaping exercise rather than a mass exercise, so the secret to performing it properly is a slow, smooth, controlled motion

5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
The purpose of the exercise is to stretch the biceps. It develops mass and biceps peak at the same time. Attach two loop handles to the cables running through two overhead pulleys, as if you were about to do cable crossovers. Grasp the handles with an underarm grip and stand erect midway between the pulleys, feet about shoulder width apart. With arms extended straight out to your sides, curl the biceps as far as possible, as if you were hitting a front or rear double biceps-pose. Pause for a second at the top of your movement, flexing and tensing your biceps. Slowly return the handles back along the semicircular arc to the starting position. Avoid bending at the waist. Maintain strict posture throughout the wokout

5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
Cable concentration curls create maximum height in the biceps, especially the outside head. This exercise is usually done at the end of the biceps training because it is one of the best movements for peaking the muscle. It is a very strict exercise, but the exercise is height, not definition, so use as much weight as you can handle.
Attach a loop handle to a low cable pulley. In a standing position bend over slightly and take the loop with an underhand grip. Rest your free hand on your knee, thigh or some stationary object for stability. Curl the loop up to your deltiod without moving the upper arm or the elbow, and make certain you don't allow your elbow to rest against your thigh or on your knee as commonly seen. As you lift , twist the wrist so that the little finger ends up higher than your thumb to ensure that you're working the outside of the biceps. Tense the muscle fully at the top of the curl before lowering your wrist slowly back to the starting position, resisting all the way to full extension

1 set of 15 to 20 repetitions( warmup set)
5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
This fundamental triceps movement places intense stress on the entire triceps by working them through a full range of motion, but particularly on the medial and outer heads of the muscle group
Attach the bar handle to the end of a cable running through an overhead pulley. Take an overhand(palms down) grip on the handle, your hands no more than three to five inches apart in the middle of the handle. Set your feet about shoulder width apart, 10 to 12 inches back from the handle. Bend your arms fully and press your upper arms against the sides of the body, where they must rest throughout the set. In the start position your forearms should be parallel with the floor. Lean slightly forward at the waist and maintain this torso position throughout your set.
Moving only your forearms, press the bar as far as possible, locking out your arms and feeling the triceps contract fully. Hold the straight-armed position for a moment, squeezing your triceps. Slowly return the pulley handle back along the arc to the starting point without moving your elbows

5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions

As with normal pulley pushdowns, the one-arm variation stresses the entire muscle complex, particularly the medial and outer heads. This exercise isolates the triceps and helps carve out its horseshoe shape. Attach a loop handle to the end of a cable running through an overhead pulley. Set your feet about shoulder width apart, 10 to 12 inches back from the pulley. Grasp the loop handle in your left hand with an underhand grip, bend your left arm fully, and press your left arm against the side of the body, where it must remain throughout the set.
Keeping your elbows stationary, straighten your arm until it is locked and extended straight down. Flex the triceps in this position for extra contraction. Still not moving the elbow, let your hand come up as far as possible until your forearm touches your biceps, feeling a complete stretch in the triceps. After your have completed with your left arm, switch to your right arm. Be sure to complete the same number of sets and reps for each arm

5 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions
This is one of the best exercises for stressing the long inner heads of the triceps muscles. It also stresses the medial heads very intensely and the outer heads somewhat less directly
Fasten a rope attachement to the end of a cable running through an overhead pulley. Take an over-hand grip on each end of the rope with your hands positioned at the bottom of the rope. Facing away from the weight stack, bend your arms fully with the cable running to one side of your head, and walk three or four feet away from where the handle would normally hang
Keeping your elbows stationary, pull down your forearm until it is locked straight out. Flex the triceps in this position for extra contraction. Still not moving the elbow, release your forearm back to the starting position
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Monday, August 30, 2010

Top 15 Best Back exercises:

 Top 15 Best Back exercises:

Nothing is more impressive than being able to bang out 30 pull ups in a row or finishing a set of 10 with 90 lbs hanging from a belt. Nothing LOOKS more impressive than being able to hit an impressive front or rear lat spread with confidence. Furthermore, how many women do you know that can finish a set of 10 pull ups? Trust me, there aren’t many.
The reality is that we can accomplish all of these things with intense free weight back training.
Your back muscles comprise the second largest set of muscles, after the legs. Therefore, putting some serious effort into training your back will pay off huge dividends whether you are looking to burn a large number of calories, better fill out your shirts, condition your body for functional strength, or even to fix your posture from focusing too long on chest training.
Strong back muscles will allow you to:
  • Pick up anything heavy off the floor or ground, working in unison with the legs.
  • Burn nearly as many calories as you would when training legs.
  • Move your body more easily through space, specifically when pulling yourself up.
  • Protect yourself from muscle imbalances that occur from overtraining the chest.
  • Row a boat faster than any of your punk friends.

Anatomy of the Back

For this discussion we are going to focus on the mid to upper back only. I won’t be talking at all about the lower back or glutes, as this is a discussion in and of its own. You can find out a bit more about lower back and glute training in the post about the top 5 best hamstring exercises. I will focus more on lower back in a separate article at a later date.

There are two main muscle groups that are visible even when our shirts are on. These are called the latissimus dorsi and the trapezius.

The latissimus, or lats, are the muscles that run from the armpits to the waist. This is what you see when people flex their backs as with a lat spread bodybuilding pose.
The trapezius, or traps, are the muscles that start in a point at the base of the skull, sit to either side of the neck, above the shoulders, and extend in a diamond shape to a point in the middle of the back. A muscle called the levator scapulae works in conjunction with the traps and lats.
Trap are what cause some big dudes to appear to have no neck. This is also how you can tell if someone is really serious about their training. Typically if someone has completely flat traps it means that they probably do not engage in significant free weight complex exercises like deadlifts, bent over barbell rows, cleans, and definitely not barbell shrugs.

The Smaller Muscles of the Back

Some of the smaller back muscles include teres major, teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and rhomboideus (rhomboids). These are considered secondary muscles and are sufficiently stimulated when you train the larger latissimus dorsi with both vertical and horizontal movements.
The serratus is another back muscle that wraps around the body and it also visible from the font. If you desire to train the serratus directly, which many people do, the best exercise for that is probably dumbbell or barbell pull overs. In the past when I trained 4 days a week I often included pull overs on back day.
Back Anatomy
Back Anatomy

Functions of the Back

Contrary to what you might think when you picture a row, the function of the lats is to pull the arm down toward the pelvis. When the arm is in a fixed position such as with a pull up, the lats serve to bring the body up towards the arm. The function is the same, but the motion depends upon the position of the arms and torso.
Lats also function to stabilize the torso during many movements, including the flat bench press and overhead press.
Your traps function to facilitate scapular elevation (shrugging), scapular adduction (rowing) and scapular depression (pull downs). Often they work in conjunction with the lats and the other small muscles, especially when rowing or pulling down.

Top 5 Best Back Exercises

Update: Deadlifts

Because I have received so many comments ripping me for not including deadlifts on this list, let the record show that I did indeed mention deadlifts right here at the top of the list, but decided not to include them in the list because they are already in the top 5 best hamstring exercises.
Deadlifts are probably the 3rd best back exercise after barbell rows and pull ups, so include them in your back workout as you see fit. Similarly, you could include good mornings in this list. To reduce the angst of hardcore weightlifters, I have revised this list to include deadlifts as the #5 best back exercise.
My original comments regarding deadlifts are as follows:
Of course deadlifts are part of this list, but I intend to target exercises that train the upper and mid back directly. For more information on deadlifts and other lower back exercises, see my post about the 5 best exercises for hamstrings.
  1. Barbell Bent Over Rows – Horizontal training
    Bent over rows with a barbell is arguably the most important back exercise you can do for pulling strength and thickness in the upper body. This is a compound movement that works everything from traps to lats to lower back and hamstrings. Using proper form, bent over barbell rows will help you stand apart with thickness and strength, from the people who only do pull ups, chin ups, or (God forbid) pull downs. To set up: you should start by standing on a box or platform with the loaded barbell. This is necessary to avoid the plates hitting the floor when you use 45 lb plates. Your stance should be shoulder width for conventional barbell rows. Now, keeping your knees slightly bent, your head up, and your back straight, bend over until your upper body is lower than 45 degrees to the floor. My goal is always to get as close to parallel with the floor as possible.
    The weight should be hanging straight down from your arms at this point, directly below your chest. You should have a pronated grip on the bar; your palms should be facing towards you. Feel free to use a bit of chalk if you are rowing really heavy. NO STRAPS!

    To row:
    to start a row, use your back muscles to pull the bar straight up to touch your chest. The elbows should be tucked in, head up, back straight, and you should NOT bounce. Lower the weight under control and repeat.

    close grip, wide grip, medium grip, two arm dumbbell rows, supinated rows (palms facing away).
    There is also a machine called the T-Bar that can be used for rowing. Old school lifters might even put one end of an Olympic bar in the corner of a room, and use the other end as a T-bar and a neutral grip cable attachment as the handle.
    The following is the best video that I could find on YouTube for a demonstration of barbell bent over rows by someone who doesn’t look like a complete puss, although I don’t advocate putting the bar on the floor between reps:
    YouTube Preview Image You should also watch this video just for fun: Bent Over Rows by Chrissy Zmijewski. She has some good points, but I believe in going deeper than 45 degrees with the upper body.
  2. Pull Ups and Chin Ups – Vertical training
    Pull ups and chin ups are a true measure of strength. They are one of those exercises that can be used to gauge a person’s physical strength relative to their body weight. For example a powerlifter might be able to bench press 600 lbs at a body weight of 280 lbs, but maybe he can only do 4 pull ups. Meanwhile a 175 lb guy can only bench 315, but he can bust out about 30 pull ups. So let me ask you, who is really stronger? Better yet, which person’s strength would you wish to have? Sorry, but I’d rather be the smaller guy.
    To set up: stand on a box or a platform if you need to, or just jump up, so you can reach the bar. Pull ups are typically harder than chin ups, but I recommend you switch off between the two. Pull ups use a pronated grip (palms down, or in this case palms facing away), while chin ups use a supinated grip (palms up). Hands should be just wider than shoulder width for a medium grip pull up, or just inside shoulder width for a medium grip chin up.

    To pull up:
    the goal is to pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar. Keep your head up, possibly looking at the ceiling, and get that chin over the bar, pause just long enough to get a full contraction. Lower yourself back down so that your arms are about 99% straight, don’t bounce.
    If you can’t do a pull up, most gyms have assisted pull up machines. Start there and work your weight towards your first bodyweight pull up.
    If you can do more than 10 pulls up with bodyweight, it might be time to consider weighted pull ups and weighted chin ups. You can do this by hanging a dumbbell between your legs or ankles, or by using a belt with a chain to suspend the weight between your legs.
    Variations: wide grip, medium grip, narrow grip, neutral grip (palms facing each other), pull ups, chin ups, towel pull ups to blast your grip and finger strength. Many people do lat pull downs on machines or with cables, but I’m telling you not to. Stick with free weights!
    YouTube Preview Image
  3. Barbell Shrugs – Upper back
    Shrugs are specifically a traps only exercise. The lats don’t come into play at all. You can go pretty heavy on shrugs. I built a decent set of traps back in the day by working up to 10-12 reps with between 495 and 585 lbs on a standard Olympic bar. To set up: unless you feel like deadlifting the weight off the floor, your best bet is to unrack the bar at thigh height from a platform, squat rack, power rack, or whatever else you can use. This is one of maybe 2 exercises for which I condone using straps. You want to avoid using an alternating grip if possible, and sometimes using chalk just doesn’t cut it if you are using heavier weight than you typically deadlift.
    To shrug: take a pronated grip on the bar just outside your hips and unrack the weight so that it hangs to mid thigh. Always stand straight with your head up, and knees just barely bent. Try to touch your shoulders to your ears by shrugging straight up, as high as you can. Hold for half a second to really get that contraction. Lower the weight under control back to mid thigh.
    Variations: dumbbell shrugs are good too, but you can’t use as much weight.
    The guy in this video shrugs really fast and I would prefer a longer pause at the top, but this is really what a heavy barbell shrug will look like.
    YouTube Preview Image
  4. One Arm Dumbbell Rows – Horizontal training
    This is a great way for you to isolate each side of your back in turn. While you can’t go as heavy as barbell rows, you can still go pretty heavy and you can get a fuller contraction with a greater range of motion because the barbell does not restrict your scapula from fully retracting on each rep. To set up: grab a dumbbell and place it beside a bench. Now kneel with one leg on one end of the bench and place your hand on the other end for support. At this point your upper body should be parallel to the floor, and your free leg should be planted just behind you and to the side of your body for support.
    To row: grab the dumbbell with a neutral grip (palm facing your body), arm fully extended and lift the dumbbell off the floor. From this point you want to row the weight up and back, pulling your hand in just above your hip, and getting your elbow also up and back as far as possible. Experiment with wrist angles to make this exercise harder, easier, or more comfortable for you.
    Variations: you can use a machine or a cable exercise for this, but I highly recommend you stick with free weights.
    YouTube Preview Image
  5. Barbell Deadlifts Deadlifts belong in this list as well as in the top 5 best hamstring exercises, so here it is:
    Deadlifts are one of the primary, fundamental exercises for all serious weight training programs. Deadlifts work 100% of your legs and they require functional stability from 95% of the rest of the muscles on your body. Using proper form, deadlifts will help you get stronger, gain more muscle, and burn more calories than any other single exercise after the squat.
    To set up: the barbell rests on the floor, sitting just above the ankles right in front of the shins. Your stance should be shoulder width for conventional deadlifts. Bending your knees, reach down and grab the bar so that your knees are actually inside your elbows. When going heavy, it helps to alternate your grip where one hand is pronated (palm facing you) and the other hand is supinated (palm facing away).
    To deadlift: to start a deadlift, use your whole body to begin to lift the bar off the floor. Arms should be straight, knees should be bent. The object is to lift the weight with your legs, glutes, and hips, rather than with your lower back. In fact your lower back should not bend that much, should in fact be pretty straight, and should definitely NOT be rounded. You accomplish this by keeping your head up and by driving with your hips. It is of utmost importance to keep the bar close to your body during the lift.
    At the top you should stand up straight, but do not over extend your lower back as if you were doing some kind of hyper-extension. The driving force at the top should be more of a hip thrust than a lower back spasm. Lower the bar under control, keeping it close to your body.
    Variations: close stance deads, wide stance deads, sumo style deads, deads off a box, rack pulls or pin pulls, deads or rack pulls with chains or bands.
    YouTube Preview Image
Honorable mentions: pull overs, cleans, snatches, and…
Dumbbell Reverse Flyes
This exercise used to be listed at the #5 best back exercise, but I really couldn’t live with myself for including it in that list. Therefore, read this section while keeping in mind that dumbbell reverse flyes are probably somewhere in the top 10 best back exercises, but it is not top 5.
OK, you might be thinking this exercise is foo-foo, but it really works the smaller muscles in your upper back, including your rear delts. I guess I wouldn’t really recommend this as a staple exercise for powerlifters or other strength athletes, but it is mandatory for bodybuilders. This will really help to separate the muscles in the back, and will build the rear delts, which are typically very hard to cultivate.
To set up: standing or sitting, grab some dumbbells, bend over so that your upper body is parallel to the floor. Allow the weights to hang at your sides, arms fully extended.
To reverse fly: keeping your back flat and straight, raise the weight vertically until your hands are at their highest possible position. Hold for half a second to contract. Lower the weight under control, but stop a couple inches short of where you started. The goal is not to pause at the bottom of the movement for rest. Tension should be kept on the muscles at all times.
Variations: because this is not a compound exercise, reverse flies on any number of machines or cables are usually an acceptable alternative to dumbbells.
Reverse Flyes
Reverse Flyes
To use this exercise list optimally, you will want to choose 1 horizontal movement and 1 vertical movement, to work into each workout. For full body workouts, choose only one exercise each day, but be sure to alternate between horizontal and vertical. However if you are in a back specialization phase you can definitely choose 1 vertical and 1 horizontal movement for each workout to really force your back to adapt.
If you use the outdated method of splitting up your body parts each day, you can choose to split your back into horizontal and vertical training by using 2 horizontal exercises on horizontal back day, and 2 vertical exercises on vertical back day. Often horizontal back is paired with chest and vertical back is paired with legs.

Back pain is one of the most common medical problems and affects almost everyone at least once in a lifetime. The Nicholas Institute of Sports Medicine and Athletic Trauma recommends exercises that help to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the back, realign the spine and reduce pain. A variety of exercises target the lower, upper and mid back. NISMAT recommends beginning back exercises slowly to warm up the muscles.

Pelvic Tilt

The simple Pelvic Tilt stretches abdominal, back and hip muscles. Lie on your back with our knees bent and arms at your sides. Flatten the lower back muscles against the floor to tilt the hips. Hold this position for a count of five to 10. Relax and repeat.

Pelvic Lift

The Pelvic Lift strengthens the muscles of the lower back and hips. Lie on your back with your knees bent and arms at your sides. Raise your hips and lower back off the floor so that the feet, arms and upper body are only touching the floor. Hold this position for a count of five. Relax and repeat.

Single Leg Pull

The Single Leg Pull helps to stretch the hip, lower back and buttock muscles. Lie flat on the floor with one leg bent at the knee and the other extended straight out. Use the arms to pull the bended knee towards your chest and hold for a count of five. Relax and repeat up to 10 times with each leg.

Hip Roll

NISMAT recommends the Hip Roll to flex lower back muscles and ligaments. Lie on your back with both knees bent and feet flat. Cross your arms your chest and turn your head and chest to the right as you turn both knees to the left. Hold this position for a count of five to 10. Relax and repeat in both directions.

Backward Bending

Backward Bending is a popular exercise to strengthen back ligaments. Stand up straight and place your hands on your back at waist level, palms down. Bend backwards as far as possible, hold this position for as long as you are comfortable. Relax and repeat.

Side Stretch

To do the Side Stretch, hold one arm over your head and bend the body in the opposite direction, while placing your other hand at your waist for support. Hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable. Relax and repeat.

Upper Back Stretch

To perform the Upper Back Stretch sit on a stool or bench with your back and head flat against a wall. Lift your arms over your head and extending as high as possible. Hold for a five to 10 seconds. Relax and repeat with both arms.

Back Extension

The Back Extension stretches the muscles of the back. Lie flat on your stomach with your arms flat at your sides. Raise your head and shoulder up off the floor and hold for as long as comfortable. Relax and repeat.

Cat and Camel

The Cat and Camel exercise is also recommended by Dr. Andrew Bayuk. Kneel down on your hands and knees and keep your head parallel to your body, so that you are looking down. Slowly allow your mid back to sag so that there is a downward arch in your back. Then round your back upwards in the 'camel' position. Hold both positions for five to 10 seconds. Relax and repeat.

Arm Reach

The Arm Reach strengthens the upper back and shoulders. While on your hands and knees, stretch one arm out in front of you while keeping your head down. Hold this position for five seconds. Relax and repeat with each arm.
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chest workout tips:

chest workout tips:
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Best tricep exercises part 1.mpg

Best tricep exercises part 1.mpg

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Workout Program

Workout Program

Monday: Chest / Back
1Cable Lat Pulldowns (alternate sets below)
Behind neck wide grip
Narrow grip to chest

2 x 10
2 x 10
2Bent over Barbell Rows3 x 10
3Seated Row Machine3 x 10
4Dummbell Pullover (superset with) Dembbell Flys

3 x 10
3 x 10
5Bench Press3 x 10
6Pec Deck Chest Machine3 x 10

Aerobics for 45 minutes

Wednesday: Legs / Abs
1Squats3 x 10
2Barbells Step Ups (alt legs)3 x 10
3Leg Extension Machine3 x 10
4Leg Curl Machine3 x 10
5Stiff Legged Deadlift3 x 10
6Hanging Knee-ups3 x 10
7Crunch / hip-ups3 x 10
8Negative Lying Knee-ups
Buddy Exercise Resist Partner Pushing Knees Down

3 x 10
9Bar Behind Neck Trunk Twists

3 x 50
3 x 50

Aerobics for 45 minutes

Friday: Shoulders / Arms
1Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press (Alternate Sets Below)
Palms Forward
Palms Reverse (twisting)

2 x 10
2 x 10
2Barbell Shurgs3 x 10
3Dumbbells Deltoid Flys (Superset Sets Below
Lateral (arms to side
Front (one arm at a time)

3 x 10
3 x 10
4Lying Triceps Curlbar Extension3 x 10
5Standing Cable Triceps Extension3 x 10
6Seated One Arm Scott Curls3 x 10
7Seated Curl Machine3 x 10

Aerobics for 45 minutes

Aerobics for 45 minutes

Fifty & Fit Nutrition Plan

8 oz of water, 1000 mg HCA, 400 mcg Chromium Picolinate, 200 mg L-Carnitine, 30 mg COQ10, 50 mg DHEA, 250 mg Ginkgo Bilboa.
Ride stationary bycycle for 45 minutes or one hour of weight training approx.
Grapefruit juice8oz700170

Oatmeal w/skim milk &1 cup1402249
Raspberries1/2 cups40080
Egg Whites (scrambled) w/one yolk41295218
Whole Wheat Toast (Dry)21402246
with Honey1 tbsp600160
Also: 8oz water, 2 multivitamins, 500 mg vitamin C, 400 IU Vitamin E, 1000 mg flaxseed oil, 200 mg grapeseed extract.

Mid Morning Snack
Brown Rice1/2 cup1100232
Albacore Tuna3 1/2 oz can852021
water8 oz

grilled chicken 1/2 breast (Skinless)4 oz1965036
sandwich on whole wheat
w/lettuce and tomato
pasta salad vinagrette1/2 cup140445

Mid Afternoon Snack
Bran Muffin11403294
Non Fat Yogurt w/fruit8oz19013512
Also: 8oz water, 400 mcg chromium, 1000 mg HCA and 200 mg of L-Carnitine

Early Evening Snack
Apple Slice with carrots & celery sticks4 oz105.5271
water16 oz

Swordfish (Broiled)5 oz2206030
Brown RIce1/2 cups1100232
Red Wine (Cabernet, etc)8oz160090
Whole wheat roll11302225

Before Bed
8 oz of water, 1 multivitamiin pill, 500 mg vitamin C, 400 IU Vitamin E, 1000 mg CLA, 200 mg grapeseed extract, 1 mg melatonin, 50 mg DHEA, 30 mg CoQl0, 400 mg saw palmatto, 500 mg calcium, 100 mg magnesium.

CaloriesFat GramsCarb GramsProtein Grams
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

For women Top 5 Arm Toning Exercises

Toning the arms, like the legs, is one of the most sought after women’s fitness informations on the internet. I am constantly getting emails asking how to tone the arms. Here are the top 5 exercises for toning your arms.
Toning Muscles
As I have said many times before, if you want to get a toned muscle you need to lose fat. If you have built some nice muscles but there is a layer of fat covering it then you will never have the firm, defined muscle that you so desire.
However, weight training is a big part of muscle toning too. Not only does it build the actual muscles that you want to show off, but it speeds up the weight loss process so they get toned faster.
So, if you want to tone a muscle you need to remember these things:
  • Weight training is essential;
  • You need to lose the fat covering the muscle;
  • Cardio and a good diet are essential;
  • The right exercises are second in importance to doing the exercises right.

Top 5 Arm Toning Exercises

Here are my favorite exercises for working the arms and getting them nice and toned. I use them myself and get many of my clients to do the same.
NB - When I talk about toning the arms I mean the biceps and the triceps. I will not be looking at forearms or shoulders in this post.

1 - Bar Bell Bicep Curls

This should be the core bicep exercise in your bicep routine. It allows you to go heavy and is one of the easiest to do in terms of getting the technique correct.
How to - Stand with feet shoulder width apart and lift up the bar bell. Lift up your chest so that your shoulders are lower than your chest but your back is still straight. Curl the bar bell up to just above your pectoral muscles and slowly lower back down.
It is of paramount importance that your elbows do not move during this exercise. Make sure they stay solid next to your side.

2 - Skull Crushers

This is a tricep exercise that will pack on the progress if you do it correctly. If you don’t, it might pack on the injuries!
How to - Lie on a flat bench and take light bar bell. Lift the weight over your head with your palms facing the roof. Now shift the weight backwards so if you were to drop it it would land on the floor behind your head and so that your triceps are pointing behind you instead of straight up. In this fixed position, lift the weight up until you have a straight arm and then lower it slowly until you get a deep stretch.
This is one of my all time favorite triceps exercises and has allowed me to make some significant growth.

3 - Alternate Dumb Bell Curl

The alternate dumb bell curl is a great biceps exercise as it allows you to focus on one arm at a time and gives the other arm a rest. For this reason you can handle more weight and perfect your technique at the same time.
How to - Take two dumb bells and stand with your back straight. Assuming the same position as in the bar bell curl, curl one dumb bell up to your shoulder as if you were trying to curl it PAST your shoulder. This gives a tighter contraction. Slowly lower the dumb bell and rotating it until it is in the resting position by your side, lift the other weight at the same time.
Tip - Make sure this exercise is down slowly and with extra control.

4 - Close Grip Bench Press

This exercise allows you to use a heavy weight in a safe way. However, it is slightly more tricky to perform than it looks.
How to - Take a medium bar bell and lie on a flat bench. Push the bar bell up until you arms are locked and then lower it down slowly. Just before it hits your chest push it up quickly with a little bouncing motion for about two inches. This short stop and bounce stops your chest muscles coming into play here and keeps the weight on your triceps. It’s a great secret.

5 - Cable Curls

As you know I’m not a big fan of exercise equipment but the cables allowed me to build my biceps so fast I got stretch marks at one point! This exercise has been core in my biceps routine for a long time.
How to - It is exactly the same as the bar bell curl but there is a constant tension on your muscles because the cable is always trying to pull the weight back down. For this reason you will fid it much harder to handle a lot of weight. Remember to keep your elbows still and your chest up.
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Friday, July 30, 2010

Ten major mistakes in exercises:
If you’re not making regular gains in muscular strength and size you’re probably making one or more of the following common training mistakes. These are some of the biggest mistakes a bodybuilder can make, and correcting them can often make the difference between outstanding gains and none at all.
1. Not Training Hard Enough
To stimulate muscular strength and size increases, you have to work your muscles harder than they are accustomed to, the harder the better. Specifically, you should perform each exercise until it is impossible to continue in good form, using a heavy enough weight that you are only able to perform between 5 and 15 slow, controlled reps (some people get better results with lower rep ranges, e.g. 5-8, some with highter, e.g. 10 to 15, but most would do best to start in the 7 to 10 range and adjust from there).
The exercise is not over when the muscles start to burn or when things start to become uncomfortable. The real valuable work is just starting. The exercise isn’t even over when your muscles feel like they’re on fire and your heart is pounding through your chest, you’re just getting to the best part. The greatest stimulus for muscular strength and size increases occur during the last few hardest reps, and if you give up at any point short of an all-out effort, you aren’t going to get nearly the growth stimulation.
2. Not Training Progressively
As you become stronger you must attempt to lift progressively heavier weights to stimulate further improvement. If you continue to use the same weights on all your exercises despite increasing in strength, the weights will no longer be challenging enough to stimulate further improvements. Attempt to either perform more repetitions or use a slightly heavier weight on every exercise, every time you train.
3. Doing Too Many Exercises and Sets
It is the intensity of muscular work that stimulates strength and size increases, not the volume. Doing any more exercise than minimally necessary will reduce rather than improve gains, by interfering with the process of recovery and adaptation.
In most cases, all you need is one hard set of only one or two exercises per major muscle group. More is rarely necessary, and usually counterproductive.
4. Training Too Frequently
The body must be allowed adequate time between workouts to fully recover and adapt, or gains will not occur. Exercise does not produce any improvements in the body, exercise can only stimulate the body to produce the improvements, if it is intense enough, or prevent the improvements from being produced, if it too much is performed, too often. The body produces the muscular strength and size increases stimulated by exercise, but only if it allowed adequate time between workouts to do so.
5. Not Keeping A Workout Journal or Progress Charts
Proper adjustment of training volume and frequency to avoid overtraining requires objective evaluation of progress. If you’re not keeping accurate records of your workouts, you can not objectively evaluate the effectiveness of your program and make the necessary changes to keep gaining or get your progress back on track.
6. Using Sloppy Form
Poor form reduces the effectiveness of an exercise and increases the likelihood of injury. While an entire book could be written on the specifics of proper exercise form, one of the most effective ways to improve exercise form in general can be summed up in two words: slow down. Moving more slowly makes it easier to maintain proper positioning and alignment, and allows for better focus on performing the exercise correctly and on intensely contracting the target muscles.
7. Switching Exercises or Routines Too Frequently
Real gains are made by consistent progress on the basic exercises over time. Changing routines too frequently prevents the body from getting past the initial, primarily neural/skill adaptation stage and into the more productive training that follows.
The belief that one must change their routines regularly to avoid plateaus because the muscles become resistant to further improvement with specific exercises is based on the observation that the fastest improvements in performance on an exercise routine occur over the first six to eight weeks after which it begins to slow down, and that changing the routine appears to solve this problem.
During the first several weeks performing a new exercise or routine a larger percentage of the improvements in exercise performance are due to neural or skill adaptations. After this initial period of neural adaptation, performance improvements slow down and the majority of adaptation is occurring in the muscles. This is where the real progress starts, however, and it is important to not change the routine at this point. It will be slower than during the initial six to eight weeks, but you will make progress if you properly adjust your workout volume and frequency.
Contrary to bodybuilding myth and uninformed opinion, the muscles do not stop adapting to a particular exercise, method, or routine – if there is sufficient overload a muscle will be stimulated to grow, and as long as volume and frequency are not excessive, and adequate rest and nutrition are provided, and one hasn’t already reached the limits of their potential, it will grow stronger and larger.
If you only performed a few, basic barbell exercises, covering all the major muscle groups, and trained hard and progressively you would eventually become as big and as muscular as your genetics allow. There is no need to constantly switch up angles, rep methods, or anything else.
8. Not Training Legs
Heavy leg work, squats, deadlifts, leg presses, etc., can be brutal when done properly, and as a result many would-be bodybuilders avoid it, preferring to focus on the relatively easier upper body exercises. This is a huge mistake, as heavy leg work appears to have a beneficial effect on growth throughout the entire body, particularly squats and deadlifts.
Do not skip training legs. Doing so robs you of potential full-body size increases, and having a well developed upper body and chicken legs looks stupid.
9. Not Eating Enough Quality Food
Your body requires both material and energy to produce new muscle tissue. Often, when skinny guys complain they have a hard time gaining muscle mass, it turns out they simply aren’t eating enough food in general or protein in particular to support the growth they stimulate during their workouts. If you want to get big, you have to eat big. This doesn’t mean pigging out, but getting enough calories and protein daily to add at least a few pounds per month, but not so much your waist size or abdominal skinfold increases significantly.
Just like your workouts, you have to keep track of your eating and make adjustments based on how your body responds.
10. Wasting Money on Bogus Bodybuilding Supplements
While stopping wasting your money on supplements might not make your muscles suddenly start growing, it will stop your wallet from shrinking. There are a few supplements which have proven to be beneficial, but most provide little or no benefit. If you want to know which supplements work and which don’t, don’t read about them in the bodybuilding magazines – they make a large amount of their money selling advertising to supplement companies and are hardly unbiased sources of information on the subject. Almost everything you read in muscle magazines is bullshit. If you want reliable information on supplements or their ingredients, read the scientific journals, and even then, do so critically
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Bodybuilding tips to expand your workouts
Bodybuilding Tips 1 – The Big Forearms Workout
Take a bench. Grab a dumbbell. Grab the end of the dumbbell and do wrist curls but build certain you are doing them very slowly. Do three sets of 8. Now do three sets of reverse wrist curls the identical means but currently use a lighter dumbbell than you did for wrist curls since it can be tougher to curl.
This routine not only enhances the dimensions of your forearms significantly, however conjointly increases muscular definition. Almost immediately you may see bumps and veins kicking off of the forearms. Compare grabbing the tip of the dumbbell to grabbing the middle dumbbell. This workout works great. You may start to work out nice results in your forearms and the best half is you can do that fairly quickly and you don’t even have to go away your home to determine results!
Tip Two – The Over The Head Dumbbell Presses
Initial, grab 2 dumbbells and be seated on a chair or flat bench. Begin using the weights at shoulder level plus your palms facing in toward your body. From there, start with a sleek motion, press the weights upward in an arc over your head, rotating your wrists outward while you do so. From the time you’re halfway done with the movement your elbows must be pointing away from the body.
In the terribly best position you must notice your arms overhead, weights shut along or slightly touching, and your palms facing out faraway from the body. Next, reverse the motion, lowering the weights back all the way down to shoulder level and rotating your wrists in therefore you’re again in the beginning position for that exercise.
I would recommend that you start out using slightly lighter weights than traditional overhead dumbbell presses to provide yourself a possible opportunity to induce used to the motion with the exercise. You’ll be able to even perform these from the standing position ought to you choose. This extremely is an unimaginable exercise for isolating the delts.
Tips three – The Lower Body Squats and Deadlifts
Squatting and Deadlifting are often called 2 of the Massive Three exercises which are the rationale for power and mass muscle building. If you have got not already contemplate these two exercises as part of your routine, you should! While not them, your missing out on a likelihood to essentially increase your muscle mass. These two exercises alone, work out about seventy five% of your entire musculature, including your traps, shoulders, arms, back. Gluts, hams, calves and core muscles.
Plus, the degree of intensity, squats and dead lifts force the body to release bigger volumes of growth hormone, which leads to greater muscles throughout your body. This spillover effect results in strength gains in all you other lifts that translates right into a more muscular you! Squatting and dead lifting are particularly essential for onerous gainers because of hormonal spikes affecting all the body.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

5 Basic Workout Exercises Tips
If you are new to working out and are on the internet searching for some basic workout exercises tips; then you have come to the right place. Millions of people come to the internet in search for basic workout tips that will help them get started with their weight loss journey.
Regardless of what you have accomplished in the past; you can reach the goals that you set for yourself. You just have to make sure that you follow theseworkout exercises tips and stay on track till you reach your goals.
1. Program: There are several types of workout programs that people get started with. I personally believe that none are better than any other; however depending on what you wish to accomplish then you will have to ensure that you pick the right type of program that will help you reach your goals.
2. Motivation: This is the biggest part to reaching any of your goals whether it is a workout goal or any other goal that you set for yourself. Tons of people want to lose weight and get into shape; yet they never take action on their goals. We all know that if you are not willing to work towards your goals and continue working on them until you reach your goals; then you will never be able to reach them regardless of how bad you want them.
3. Start Off Slow: Regardless of how bad you want to see the results that you are striving for; we all know that it is going to take time. Therefore start off slow and work on them everyday. Set a workout schedule for yourself and stick with it regardless of how bad you do not want to work out.
4. Warmups: Always remember to warm up your body before you begin exercising. This in my personal opinion is just as important as the actual workout. If you fail to give your body the warm up time that it requires then you could be exposing your body to injuries. So never forget the importance of warming up and taking your time to reach your goals.
5. Workouts: Do not do the same type of workouts day in day out. If you really want to begin to see the changes on your body; then it is important to switch up on the types of workouts that you do
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